HAT (History Admissions Test)

HAT technical issue - we are aware that for a short time during the delivery of the History Admissions Test, some candidates were affected by a technical issue experienced by Pearson VUE test centres. If your test was affected by this issue, please fill in the special consideration form available on the Oxford Admissions Tests portal as soon as possible, with an explanation of the circumstances. When you fill in the special consideration form, please ensure that you select the option 'a test I have registered for', and confirm that you had booked a test appointment, before selecting the 'Disruption or other circumstances during your test which you believe have impacted your test performance' option on the form. Please give details of what happened at the test centre in the free text box underneath. Please submit any request for special consideration as a result of a disrupted HAT test by the extended deadline of 5pm on Wednesday, 30 October.

What is the HAT?

If you are applying for one of the following courses you will be required to register for and book to take the History Admissions Test (HAT) - formerly known as the History Aptitude Test:

Candidates will be asked to offer thoughtful interpretations of the source without knowing anything about its context. The HAT lasts for 60 minutes, and is a test of skills, not substantive historical knowledge. It is designed so that candidates should find it equally challenging, regardless of what they have studied or what school examinations they are taking.

The HAT tests the following skills and attributes:

  • the ability to read carefully and critically;
  • the adoption of an analytical approach;
  • the ability to answer a question relevantly;
  • the ability to handle concepts and select evidence to support points;
  • originality and independence;
  • precision and clarity of writing.

This Oxford admissions test is now computer-based, and you will need to arrange to take it at a Pearson VUE authorised test centre. You will be able to register to take the HAT from Thursday 15 August 2024 until Friday 4 October 2024. Instructions on how to do this can be found under the How do I register? tab on this page.

All applicants taking this test will be invited to practise taking a sample paper online in advance of test day. We also strongly recommend that you explore all the past papers and resources available under the Test preparation and practice materials tab. As the content and structure of this test has not changed, all existing online resources and past papers are still valuable preparation.